Global Impact

Meeting Needs With Solutions

Navigating life as a refugee is uncertain at best, and there is not always an easy answer to the big questions.…

Ghana Expedition

One opportunity to see the impact of DfG Kits firsthand can be found through DfG Expeditions. In the past, DfG has…

March Story Highlight

Lynne Marlowe founded a DfG Micro-Enterprise in Endulen, Tanzania back in 2015. Read her story here: I fell in love with…

Data Tells Her Story: DfG Launches New M&E Toolkit

Days for Girls volunteers have captured the stories of women and girls and their struggles with menstruation all over the world.…

Days for Girls Goes to Laos

25th July 2016 In June this year, myself and a team of 9 other nursing students, as well as two registered…

Striving for Every Girl. Everywhere. Period.

With over 600 Chapters and Teams, 167 emerging Micro-Enterprises, 3 Centers, and 100+ countries reached, it’s fair to say that we…

Little Piece of Freedom in Lebanon

It is farming season in Lebanon. Every day, Syrian refugee girls are sent to the fields in Bekaa Valley to work…

International Friendships Inspiring Grassroots Change

Each Days for Girls Kit tells a story. It tells the story of the person who made it, sewing together the…

The Power of Two: You Gave Them Sewing Machines and Knowledge…

The Power of Two: You Gave Them Sewing Machines and Knowledge… Two years ago 5 individuals (Linda, Linda R, Mary, Don…

Zimbabwe and the Man Who Would Not Take No for an Answer

Hello from Zimbabwe! Do you remember how the DFG team last time trained 48 women and 2 men to be Ambassadors…